Before The Gold Rush –...
The true story, told for the first time, of a courageous, resilient couple who lived on the edge of fortune...
Disaster & Triumph
Most histories highlight men's lives. Disaster & Triumph: Sacramento Women, Gold Rush Through the Civil War is the first one...
Gerti’s War: A Journal of...
Gerti’s war is a journal of Gerti’s life after Hitler took power and she found herself pressed into service as...
JINNIK: the Asset (a Cold...
From 1947 through 1991, the United States and its allies faced off against the Soviet Union and her proxy states...
ORP Orzel
"The greatest adventure story to come out of the war" - Sir Winston Churchill The WW2 Polish submarine ORP...
Sacramento Chronicles
Sacramento boomed when forty-niners flocked to California, but the road from riverfront trading post to cosmopolitan capital was bumpy and...