Pat Rigley is a longtime graphic designer, a full-time husband, and a part-time writer. He is trying to do his utmost to invert the sequence of his list while still preserving the sanctity of the Oxford Comma.
He is a regular contributor to His columns and stories have appeared in the Tacoma News Tribune and the Davis Enterprise. He was also a twice-time winner of Bob Dunning’s nearly famous “Replace the Above-Pictured Columnist” contest. “The Pitcher Plant,” his first novel, was published in December 2017, and has received awards in both the University of Pacific – Jameson Awards, and Northern California Publishers & Authors competitions.
Ensconced in the extraordinary company of his beautiful wife, two sons, three daughters, and six grandchildren, he spends most of his day doting over his amazing sheltie that threatens the rightful inheritance of all the aforementioned.