“To Publish or not to Publish,
That is the Question.”
Al Zagofsky
Publisher, California Update
Friday, May 4, 2018
9-11 AM Coco’s, 7887 Madison Avenue, Citrus Heights
So you write. Have you been published? Do you want to be published? Do you want to make money from publishing? As someone once said, Be careful what you wish for, as there may be important things to consider. Speaker Al Zagofsky will review emotional, financial and time considerations of being published.
Al teaches journalist techniques to writers desiring to improve. He has had a varied career. In addition to being a prolific writer and oral storyteller, Al has given storytelling seminars. For the past 15 plus years, he has been a print journalist, an online magazine publisher, a storyteller, and a movement awareness teacher. Al is an interesting presenter. He sometimes uses humor in both writing and speaking. His original training was as a mechanical and project management engineer. He has also worked as a raft and kayaking guide.
The California Writers Club–Sacramento Branch Networking Meeting is held the first Friday of every month at Coco’s Restaurant, 7887 Madison Avenue, Citrus Heights, at the corner of Madison and Sunrise, starting at 9 a.m. Meetings are free. Attendees pay for their own breakfast.
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